Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Before The Strand

Yet another unrelated post. Well, somewhat. That is, the subject matter is Victorian, but it's not necessarily about history. No wait, that's not right either! Oh dash it all! Well, I may as well 'cut to the chase' as they say.

For several years, I've been working on a novel called Before the Strand. It's a Sherlock Holmes story, but not your standard fair of pastiche where Sherlock Holmes and Watson solve yet another mystery. Instead, the story is centered around Jonathan, the 14 year old son of Sherlock Holmes, who sets out to unravel his mysterious past, and to learn why his existence was omitted and erased from Sherlockian history. There are many dark secrets and shadows that exist for the famous flat on Baker Street, and Jonathan is determined to discover what they are. 

My lovely agent is currently shopping the story around, so hopefully, there will be more news soon, but I felt the time was right, to finally announce it. The few I've coerced into reading it, have really enjoyed it thus far, so....hoping others will to! The game is afoot!

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