Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A short comparison of the corset now and then.

In modern times, the act of a woman buying a corset is usually viewed as, her purchasing something sexy, and provocative, and fun, but it is not seen as having any real type of practical or functional use, as an article of clothing.

By Contrast, in the Victorian era, a corset was as much a necessity as a pair of socks, or underwear, and wasn't viewed as anything but a sign of being civilized, and adhering to the strict and repressive dress codes of the time. Women who did not wear corsets, were seen as loose or 'uncultured creatures'. No female would dare leave the household without one. The looks and frown and comments they would receive would be beyond endurance if so. Admittedly, they did try to glamourize the most expensive, best fitting, and most popular corsets for women of a certain stature, but it was never about how alluring it would make one look. Rather, ads would typically cater to a certain class, based on what you could afford, and what social standing you might have.

However, some companies did try to appeal to all levels of class, and not just market to the poor, or middle, or upper tiers.

For example in the advertisement to the left, it says, 'Adapted to the requirements of all classes' meaning they cater to women of all levels of income and standing. I love this ad, as I just think the illustration is so graceful and beautiful.

Here's a closer look at the ad, as the artistry is wonderful. Nothing like hand drawn ads! I think that film posters for movies that were made way back in the day, that were illustrated, were MUCH more appealing than posters of today, with all the photoshopping, and slick look that the all have now.....but that's just me, and just me, going off on tangent.

And here's a small, early Valentine's Day post.

Again from the Ladies Home Journal from February 1901, they had a write in column for questions, where a woman would give female readers advice, much like an Ann Landers of today.  I found this one appropriate, given that it's almost Valentine's Day. Here are Margaret E Sangster's thoughts on women doing the courting on Feb 14th....

"It is a woman's privilege to be courted. Therefore the man sends the valentine, not the girl. Thoughtless and silly girls sometimes overlook this fact that they are to be sought and never do the seeking, and an older observer sees with pain that they employ little arts to attract the other sex; that, save the mark, they behave, here and there, as if everything they could do, should be done to gain the approving notice of the opposite sex This creates a false position and is always cheapening to a girl, not only in the eyes of others, but also in time, when the awakening comes, it is degrading to her self-respect."

So hear that ladies? Make the men do all the work this Valentine's Day, it's your right to be 'courted' and sough after. ;) And men?  Apparently, it's your responsibility to provide all the 'valentine's' to us, to make us happy on Valentine's Day, so snap to it!

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